sea long web344x23People and Planet Before Profit

This is how we outline our mission and some organizational direction to ensure we continue operating as an open & inclusive action oriented group.

Article I. Name

The name of the organization is the Social Environmental Alliance (SEA).

Article II. Purpose

The purpose of the organization is to encourage the application of ecological and democratic socialist principles to public affairs and the governance of our communities, building support for these ideals through public education, electoral methods, grassroots coalitions and cultural work.

Article III. Statement of Principles

(1) People and the planet before profit. The Social Environmental Alliance is committed to a world where the wellbeing of people and the planet takes priority over the accumulation of private wealth.

(2) Respect for ecological systems. We believe all human activity and social systems must operate within the limits imposed by ecological systems and with respect for non-human life.

(3) Transformative social change. Recognizing the dangers of catastrophic climate change, the injustice of colonization and imperialism, and the inhumanity of growing poverty in the midst of plenty, we pledge ourselves to the lifelong project of transformative social change.

(4) Ecological and democratic socialist principles. We aim to accomplish our objectives through the application of ecological and democratic socialist principles to public affairs and the governance of our communities.

(5) Grassroots organization and action. Committed to action and outreach, we are nurturing a community of organizers to mobilize the consciousness and confidence of ordinary people and forge alliances in coalition with social movements, cultural organizations and grassroots community groups.

(6) Traditions inform practice. We are guided by the best traditions of indigenous, feminist, co-operative, socialist, labour and environmental movements.

(7) Democracy. We embrace a participatory, pluralistic and emancipatory model of democracy.

(8) Equality. We believe in a classless society and in the inherent dignity and equality of all people on the basis of gender, sexuality, ethnicity, religion, age and ability.

(9) Self-determination. We recognize the right of indigenous and colonized peoples to self-determination.

(10) Internationalism. We embrace an internationalist perspective in foreign policy based on equality among peoples and the shared stewardship and fair distribution of the finite resources of the planet.

Article IV. Membership

Any person is eligible for membership upon signed agreement with the constitution and bylaws, payment of annual membership dues of $20, and approval by members at a General Membership Meeting. Dues may be reduced or waived for people who are unwaged or low-income.

Article V. Meetings

The organization will hold monthly General Membership Meetings, which will be the highest decision-making body of the organization. An Annual Meeting will also take place to review accomplishments and lessons learned the previous year and identify priorities for the year ahead.

Article VI. Officers and Committees

The membership may delegate Officers and an Organizing Committee to carry out its decisions, elected from among members at a General Membership Meeting with the mandate renewed semi-annually, and including the following positions:

(1) Chair: responsible for convening meetings and external relations;

(2) Recording Secretary: responsible for maintaining Minutes and other official documents;

(3) Membership Secretary: responsible for maintaining a Membership List, as well as lists of lapsed members and supporters, as well as oversight of correspondence;

(4) Treasurer: responsible for the Finances of the organization and the collection of dues;

(5) Communications Director: responsible for updating the website and social media platforms;

Additional officers and committees may be empowered by the membership as required, subject to the semi-annual renewal of mandate at a General Membership Meeting. Officers or committee delegates may be recalled by a majority vote of those members attending a General Membership Meeting.

Article VII. Rules of Order

Meetings of the organization and its committees will operate in a spirit of consensus, with recourse to majority vote and Bourinot's Rules of Order where consistent with the provisions of this Constitution and Bylaws.

Article VIII. Amendments

The Constitution and Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of those members attending a General Membership Meeting provided one month’s notice of proposed amendments have been distributed to members. Quorum for constitutional purposes will be one-quarter of members.