Lkwungen Territories :: Victoria
We acknowledge these events will be taking place on stolen land, on the traditional territory of the L'kwungen peoples, the Songhees and Esquimalt Nations.

January 2019 SEA
Members Meeting & Elections
Tuesday Jan 8th, 2018
560 Johnson St, Market SqUare
Green Cuisine Vegetarian Restaurant
Please join us as we prepare for 2019 and review 2018 for lessons learned. We will be holding our semi-annual elections for Chair, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Communications Director, Membership Secretary and Officers at Large. The agenda this month also includes Municipal Strategy Committee (Housing for All) report, Rise N Resist report, UVic Club day tabling, Turning the Tide, Women's March participation planning, exploration of late Feb or early March Workshop on Climate Justice work and overcoming internal divisions.
For more details visit:
Community Organizing Meeting for Climate Justice
Thursday, January 10, 2019
6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
711 Douglas St, Victoria
City Studio, below Crystal Gardens
Action is the antidote to despair! Join us at CityStudio on January 10 to create new working groups to tackle climate change on Lekwungen territories, or to join an existing group that needs more hands on deck.
We welcome everyone who wants to get involved in community organizing in the winter and spring. That means you want to put some time and elbow-grease into planning campaigns. But no experience necessary and we especially welcome anyone new to this kind of work!
We will start by nominating topics that the people in the room want to work on. From there we will split up into different groups and start planning.
Here are some topics to expect:
- Unist'ot'en Camp support
- Political, legal, direct action, and other strategies for stopping LNG Canada
- a climate-centred campaign for protecting old-growth rainforests on Vancouver island
- A massive youth climate mobilization on the Leg in the New year
- Salish sea, Chinook and southern resident orcas
- Extinction Rebellion
- Anticipating next steps for the Trans Mountain Pipeline
- Bring your ideas for anything else you want to organize around! Renewable energy? Electoral organizing? A youth-focused or faith-based group? Fundraising to fund this grassroots work?
Each group will leave this night with a plan for their next meeting and next steps.
Hope to see you there!
For more details visit:
Snap-Action to Support Unist’ot’en and Gitdumt'en land defenders
Anytime from January 1, 2019 Onwards
11:00 PM to 2:00 AM
501 Belleville St, Victoria, BC
British Columbia Parliament Buildings
Unist’ot’en and Gitdumt'en land defenders are bravely refusing to consent to the construction of the Coastal Gas Link pipeline through their sacred territories. Last month, colonial courts granted an injunction allowing the RCMP to remove them from their own ancestral lands to make way for pipeline construction.
We don't yet know exactly when the RCMP will move to clear Unist’ot’en and Gitdumt'en land defenders off of their territories, but it may be very, very soon. Settler activists working on Lekwungen territory are planning a snap-action to respond to this unjustified state violence whenever it occurs.
Our action will occur the day after the RCMP moves to enforce the injunction. Organizers will make a post in this event, and residents of so-called Victoria will be called to gather at the totem poles on the Legislature lawn (501 Belleville St ) at 12:00 noon. Once assembled, we will blockade Belleville st, right outside the Legislature building, to symbolically recreate the Unist’ot’en and Gitdumt'en blockades and to show our solidarity with their cause.
Our message is clear: indigenous law is the law of the land on unceded territories, and traditional title-holders have the right to refuse access to their lands. Disregarding this ancient law in order to further expand fossil fuel production during a time of extreme climate crisis is totally unacceptable. Agents of the corporate state will face resistance if they continue to pursue resource colonialism during this climate emergency.
When: Day after the RCMP evicts Unist’ot’en and Gitdumt'en land defenders, 12:00 noon.
Where: Legislature, meet at totem poles.
What: blockade Belleville st, right outside the Leg, to symbolically recreate the Unist’ot’en and Gitdumt'en blockades against pipeline and tanker expansion.
*This action will take place respectfully on Lekwungen territories.
For more details visit:

Unist'ot'en Camp
Online Resources
Official Unist'ot'en Camp WebsiteLegal Fund Donations Unist'ot'en Camp Facebook
Wet'suwet'en Access Point on Gitdumt'en Territory
Unist'ot'en Solidarity Brigade
Unist'ot'en Healing Not Pipelines
Unist'ot'en Support Group
VEC Work Party!
Sunday, January 6, 2019
1:00 PM to 10:00 PM
1415 Broad Street, Victoria
Victoria Event Centre
Join us again for some fun and to help us carry on with some of the exciting transformations! There is a ton of work on our to do list, and with your support we can get it done and have a fun time while we're at it.
We will have two work sessions - one from 1pm to 5pm, and another from 6pm to 10pm. Come for one or the other, or stay for the whole time! We'll have tasks to suit many interests and skill levels - pick up a paintbrush, screwdriver, hammer, or a coffee/pint, and help make this place smell, look, and sound better. We'll have a drink on the house for all those pitching in. Don't want us to put you to work, but still want to support the VEC? Please come by and say hello, and feel free to buy a drink. Donations at the door graciously accepted as well!
For more details visit:
How does Settler Colonialism Control the Boundaries of Debate?
CSRS Thursday Public Lecture featuring Daniel Sherwin
Thursday, January 10, 2019
5:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Uvic, David Strong Building, C122
From the Government of Canada’s Potlatch Ban (1884-1951) to the Supreme Court’s decision in Ktunaxa Nation v. British Columbia (December 2016) and beyond, the Canadian state has regulated and restricted indigenous spiritual and political traditions. These laws and court decisions rest upon assumptions and ways of thinking which are often inappropriate, and the regulations themselves can be harmful. It is not only crude stereotypes that create the tinted lenses through which non-Indigenous settlers understand – or fail to understand – Indigenous traditions. Traditions of humanitarianism, Christian universalism, anthropological theory, and doctrines of religious freedom, though rich and sympathetic, can likewise be distorting. Addressing these distortions and ending these harms requires that non-Indigenous people critically interrogate our own theoretical frames.
Every Thursday from September to April, the Centre for Studies in Religion and Society (CSRS) invites a speaker to talk about their research or project.
These lectures are FREE and open to the public. For more information about our events, please visit: https://www.uvic.ca/research/centres/csrs/events/index.php
For more details visit:
Secret Ingredients Movie Screening
Saturday, January 12, 2019
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
983 Pandora Ave, Victoria
Victoria Seventh-day Adventist Church
Secret Ingredients Official Trailer
Movie Runtime: 80 minutes
Doors open @ 6:15pm, Movie starts @ 7pm.
Brief Q & A to follow and FitBit Draw after movie!
At the heart of the story is Kathleen DiChiara and her family of five who were collectively struggling with 21 chronic diseases. They were like many other families – despite living a healthy lifestyle and making a point to exercise and ‘eat right’ – they were constantly struggling with one condition after another. When Kathleen was faced with a severe health crisis, she became determined to figure out what was causing these conditions. Everything changed when she identified the secret ingredients that were keeping them a perpetual state of illness – and eliminated them from their kitchen. The results were dramatic. Kathleen’s experience is not uncommon. The film shares many other powerful stories of people who regained their health after changing to an all organic diet, free of GMOs, Roundup and other toxic pesticides. Skin and digestive conditions disappear; cancer patients now have a clean bill of health; autistic children are now thriving; infertile couples now have healthy babies. These experiences are backed up by physicians, scientists and experts who explain the science, and the political history, of GMOs and Roundup.
For more details visit:
How She Read:
Confronting the Romance of Empire
Sunday, January 13, 2019
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
510 Fort Street, 2nd floor
Open Space
Join us Sunday, January 13 from 3-5pm for the opening reception of Chantal Gibson's visual and text art exhibition, How She Read: Confronting the Romance of Empire (Jan 13 - Feb 26, 2019).
Chantal Gibson is a Vancouver-based artist and educator whose work plunges into the fraught territory of school texts and history books with a sewing needle and re-works historical Canadian texts with black thread in order to revise our ideas of history, nationhood, and how we read. Through altered book sculptures that ensnare the texts with braids and thread, redacted texts, and reprints of old children’s readers, Gibson’s work asks us to consider the voices, stories, and bodies that have been erased or excluded from historical narratives and proposes material ways in which we can resist those historical erasures.
Open Space is not wheelchair accessible and is accessed by a flight of 23 stairs. There are two gender inclusive washrooms, one multi-stall and one single stall with a urinal. If you have any other questions or concerns in regards to accessibility, please contact
For more details visit:
Mental Health Awareness Week Showcase with Shane Koyczan!
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
University of Victoria, Victoria
Farquhar Auditorium
Join us for an evening with internationally renowned spoken word artist, poet and author Shane Koyczan. Shane first introduced himself and his anti-bullying perspective to the world during the opening ceremonies of the Vancouver 2010 Olympics. When his anti-bullying campaign "To This Day Project" went viral in 2013, his powerful and engaging words stole the views, and the hearts, of millions of people. After his talk, there will is allotted time for a Q&A, with questions provided by UVic students! This event also features student theatre and poetry performances!
This event is free and open to all, but tickets are required. Tickets available at: tickets.uvic.ca
For more details visit:
5th Annual Mental Health Awareness Week
More info on the entire week's events: https://www.facebook.com/events/2218074868451871
The Extraordinary Biodiversity Value in Metchosin with Andy MacKinnon
Thursday, January 17, 2019
7:00 PM
3800 Finnerty Road, Victoria
Uvic, MacLaurin Building, Room D-288
Andy MacKinnon is a forest ecologist who lives in Metchosin B.C. Since December 2014 he’s also served as a Councillor in Metchosin. Until his retirement in 2015, he worked for the B.C. Forest Service for three decades, mostly on B.C.’s coast, where he was responsible for ecosystem classification and mapping and a program of forest ecology research focused on old growth structure and composition, effects of climate change, and B.C.’s native plants and fungi. Andy has also been involved in defining and implementing ecosystem-based management in Haida Gwaii and the Great Bear Rainforest. He has co-taught rainforest ecology field courses in Bamfield (for the University of Victoria) and Haida Gwaii (for UBC). Andy is co-author of six best-selling books about plants of western North America. He’s an Adjunct Professor at Simon Fraser University, and a Professional Forester and Professional Biologist in BC. Andy was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Science degree by Simon Fraser University in 2013. He’s President of the South Vancouver Island Mycological Society, and enjoys drinking good whisky and playing mandolin.
Cost: Members: FREE (Membership $25/yr)
Non-Members: drop-in by donation
Students: FREE
For more details visit:
Organic Master Gardener Info Session
Thursday, January 10, 2019
6:30 PM to 9:30 PM
741 Haliburton Rd, Victoria
Haliburton Community Organic Farm
Be prepared for a major shift in paradigms! This is a gardening course, and so much more. Students have called it "life changing" - because once we truly understand the connection between soil health, plant health, human health and environmental health we look at the world with different eyes.
This is an information session for our core course.
For more details visit:
January FGCA Community Dinner
Friday, January 18, 2019
6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Victoria, British Columbia V8S 5J1
1335 Thurlow Rd
Food is life, so come to the FGCA Community Dinner on January 18th. From 6:30-8:30 pm grab some grub, create community connections, and enjoy a night-off from cooking. The Community Dinner is held in the Garry Oak Room located at 1335 Thurlow Rd. All are welcome!
Our chef, Safia, works with the International Women's Catering Co-Op (IWCC) and ensures gluten, vegertarian, dairy, pork, and alcohol free options. Please register online to confirm your spot! Donations are accepted (suggested $5 per person/ $10 per family). This dinner is all-ages and open to anyone in the community.
Ticket sales end Jan. 18th at noon so please register before then. Have questions? Send any inquiries to our Event Coordinator at
This dinner is made possible by the Strategic Plan Grant through the City of Victoria.
For more details visit:
Victoria: Lean Market Gardening with Rockstar Farmer Ben Hartman
Sunday, January 20, 2019
1:00 PM to 6:00 PM
1415 Broad St, Victoria
Victoria Event Centre
Join us for a workshop with the legendary Ben Hartman, author of The Lean Farm, on preventing burnout and increasing farm profits with less waste and work. Ben has inspired thousands to increase efficiency and profitability on their farms, and now he's coming to BC to share his knowledge! Ben and his wife earn a comfortable living from 1/2 acre of cultivated land working less than 35 hours per week.
- COST: Sliding scale $35-70. All funds raised go to covering the cost of the event. Thank you for your support!
- REGISTER: https://benhartmanvictoria2019.brownpapertickets.com
Market Gardening with Lean:
How to Earn a Comfortable Living with Less Waste & Work
In this workshop, Ben Hartman, author of The Lean Farm and The Lean Farm Guide to Growing Vegetables, will explain powerful concepts from the Japanese lean system that prevent burnout and increase profits with less waste and work. The workshop is geared toward market gardeners, covering lots of production techniques and tips. However, the lean system is universal and the workshop will also explain efficiency techniques that farmers of any size and type can take home and immediately employ.
For more details visit:
Central Saanich Community Meeting
Saturday, January 26, 2019
7:00 PM to 8:30 PM
7082 Wallace Dr., Brentwood Bay
Brentwood Bay Community Club
Join Adam and MP Elizabeth May to discuss federal and provincial issues in Central Saanich. Doors open at 6:30 PM and discussion begins promptly at 7:00 PM. Everyone welcome!
For more details visit:
Free Naloxone Training
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
2:30 PM to 6:30 PM
Student Union Building, UVIC
The UVSS would like to invite you to participate in free Harm Reduction Training, where can learn more about harm reduction and how to administer naloxone.
Every participant will receive a naloxone kit and training certificate at the end of the session and we'll even throw in some free cookies to sweeten the deal.
This training is open to everyone: students, faculty, staff and community members, but there are a limited number of spots so please arrive on time!
For more details visit:
Petition on our IslandVoice.ca Website
Immediately Remove Central Walbran Valley from the Provincial Tree Farm Licensing System
Please sign and share the petition.
Stay tuned for more updates on the community engagement around this campaign.
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