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SEA Events: March 2020


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Dave McKee, the new Editor of People’s Voice, will be in British Columbia, meeting with readers and supporters to talk about building the socialist alternative to to the capitalist media’s monopoly over news and information in Canada. We invite you to hear Dave’s update on the upgrades to the print and digital editions of People’s Voice – and to share your own ideas.

VICTORIA – Saturday, March 14, 1:00 pm, Victoria Public Library “sxwenxwen tenexw”  James Bay Branch ( Community Room) , 385 Menzies St.

VANCOUVER – Sunday, March 15, 1 – 3 pm, Center for Socialist Education, 706 Clark Drive. Vancouver
SURREY – Sunday, March 15, 5 – 7 pm, PICS Seniors Meeting Room, 12075 – 75A Ave. Surrey
  The Housing Project 101 is a creative, community building response to the global commodification of housing come to roost in Victoria. It engages you in story-making activities, rooted in theater of the oppressed, and steeped in multi-disciplinary creativity! The workshops are a call to all who are experiencing the housing crunch. Bring your creative spark, help build a symbolic bonfire.  We will have an introduction explaining the project, a pot luck lunch then the theater workshops.  Check the facebook event for more details. Housing 101 Facebook Event THE SEA TEAM
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