Hands Off the Sooke Hills, Horgan! Peoples Picket and Rally
Friday, April 26th from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Esquimalt United Church
500 Admirals Road, Esquimalt
Feeling betrayed by Hulk Horgan and his New Destruction Party?
This peaceful picket line and rally will be taking place on lands stolen from the Esquimalt and Songhees Nations.
Hands off the Sooke Hills Horgan!
Join us on April 26 at 5pm at Esquimalt United Church (500 Admirals Road) to respond to the premier's presence as a keynote speaker at an upcoming $100-a-plate fundraising dinner for the NDP.
Many voters concerned with the need to preserve what is left of the region's forests, wilderness areas and traditional territories supported the provincial NDP in the last election, duped into believing the party would demonstrate inspiring climate leadership and responsible stewardship. Instead, we have been betrayed by a climate criminal who is no friend of the forest and is merely accelerating the Liberal's pro-development agenda! Behind closed doors and with a complete lack of transparency, Horgan and his gang plot out potential 'emergency routes' through protected forests and watersheds that provide our drinking water and contain remnants of old growth. The Sooke Hills Wilderness Regional Park is particularly under threat. We are told to wait until the 'studies and reports' have been completed, something voters never requested in the first place. Highway snarl-ups on the Malahat are being used as pretexts for suburban sprawl. Enough is enough!
So now, in the midst of climate emergency, we demand immediate transparency and full disclosure with respect to this project. We demand no more new or expanded roads through South Island forests. We demand public servants re-focus their efforts on imaginative, environmentally-friendly regional public transportation options.
For a party less than two years into its mandate, the abominable list of climate crimes is much longer than this single issue, unfortunately. Whether it's aiding and abetting in the continuing massacre of ancient forests, standing silent during the invasion of Wet'suwet'en territory in a blind allegiance to LNG, exacerbating the precipitous decline of wild salmon by conspiring with foreign fish farms, offering billions in subsidies to fracking industries, doing nothing to stop the spray of glyphosate poisoning broadleaf tree ecosystems, or bumbling onward with the destructive Site C boondoggle, it is clear now that Horgan and the NDP are in it for nothing but the money.
We plan to disrupt this event, to draw attention to the premier and his abysmal environmental record and to demonstrate boisterous public opposition to this government's assaults on forests, waterways, wild salmon and the climate. Fed-up former NDP voters and supporters are encouraged to join us and proclaim why they will not be voting NDP in the next election. The Party's Over Horgan!
Although the primary focus will be saving the Sooke Hills and surrounding forests from out-of-control real estate speculation and costly highway infrastructure, all grassroots environmental/social/climate justice campaigns are encouraged to attend and raise our collective voice to proclaim our disdain for this government's half-ass environmental measures.
Those participating who are former NDP voters or supporters are asked to dress in 'modified' orange NDP shirts.
Public transportation available on bus route #25
Please give yourself plenty of time to get there as traffic at that time of day is quite busy.
For up-to-the-minute info on this event:
To learn more about this campaign and what you can do to help, please visit our Friends of the Sooke Hills Wilderness facebook group:
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