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Green New Deal Townhall

     Thursday, May 23rd from 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm  The Fernwood Community Centre Gym,
1240 Gladstone Avenue 

A coalition of groups is launching a campaign for a Green New Deal for Canada. The week of May 20 there will be town halls across the country to crowdsource ideas for what a Canadian Green New Deal could actually look like. We are organizing one of these on Lekwungen territories and we want you there!

What is the Green New Deal?

The Green New Deal is a vision for tackling climate change and inequality at the same time. That means

  • Totally re-organizing our economy to run on 100% renewable energy.

  • Creating millions of jobs.

  • Respecting the rights, title, and sovereignty of Indigenous Peoples.

  • Dignity, justice, and equity for all! Climate solutions must lift up all communities, especially frontline, marginalized, and Indigenous communities who are bearing the brunt of the impacts of climate change.

The idea of a Green New Deal is quite open and it’s just taking off in Canada, so we have the opportunity to define what it means for our community. We can lobby for massive government investment in green jobs but we can also start changing the economy ourselves.

The plan for the town hall

At the town hall we will split into breakout groups that will record “red lines” and “green lines”: what they think must be and cannot be in a Green New Deal.

We will use this information to narrow down a Victoria Green New Deal vision for local organizing. We will also share it with the national coalition of groups called Pact for a Green New Deal who will be using the priorities identified in town halls across Canada to pressure the Federal government.

At the end of the town hall we’ll ask who wants to sign up to keep organizing.  

How to get involved

We invite people from all walks of life and all movements — Indigenous communities, anti-racist activists, the labour movement, faith groups, anti-poverty activists, environmentalists, and everyday people — to come to the town hall and shape this vision. Bring your friends and neighbours, and we will add you to a list of supporting groups. If you want to help organize or volunteer, send us a message!This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.If you are part of an organization that wants to endorse the event and help spread the word, get in touch at

In solidarity,
Emily for R&R

Learn more about Green New Deal here And more about the Green New Deal Facebook Event The Social Environmental Alliance membership would like to acknowledge these events will be taking place on the unceded territory of the Lkwungen and SENĆOŦEN speaking peoples.

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