The Indigenous Solidarity Working Group aims to connect groups and individuals into a coalition of allies to support, facilitate and stand in solidarity with Indigenous initiatives. This includes actions ranging from fundraising to administrative support to front-line action. We are committed to a process of decolonization and peaceful coexistence between Indigenous and non-indigenous peoples, communities and nations through creative co-resistance to colonialism and its manifestations of patriarchy,capitalism, racism, heterosexism, ableism, western privilege and corporate hegemony. This may take the form of talking circles, informal meet-ups, discussion panels, social gatherings, sharing food together, teach ins, resurgence action and creative decolonization projects.
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The ISWG started as a group of individuals perceiving a space needed for allies to critically engage with the violence of colonial oppression and work to end it. Some previous work involved actions such as supporting the W̱SÁNEĆ nations in reclaiming the name of PKOLS, and direct action to oppose the construction of a house on Grace Islet. Our immediate goal is to begin fostering relationships with indigenous communities on the south island to listen and learn about what we can do to advance the process of decolonization and indigenous resurgence here.
Proposed upcoming actions include:
1. Marine Water Quality monitoring and ecological restoration to support indigenous food systems - pilot project for the foreshore areas of indigenous communities on the Saanich peninsula.
2. Reclaiming Indigenous Names for residential school survivors (waiving administrative fees for personal name changes, a recommendation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission).
3. Community Tool Shed - supporting ecological restoration and indigenous food and medicinal systems at Meegan (Beacon Hill Park, Victoria).
4. Reclaiming Indigenous Place-Names / Decolonizing Settlers Names in the City of Victoria (Begbie, Trutch, Sutlej, Denman, Cook, etc).
5. Encouraging Allyship - Ongoing opportunities for settler people to learn about, and become involved with, the decolonization process in respectful and culturally appropriate ways.

Statement of Purpose
The Salish Sea Protectors' Fund ( SSPF ) is a legal defense fund established in the summer of 2018 by the Victoria-based Rise and Resist and Social Environmental Alliance ( SEA ) in response to the rolling mass arrests against the TransMountain tar sands pipeline/tanker expansion.
The purpose of the fund is to provide financial assistance to local frontline activists who have been arrested in peaceful civil disobedience and direct action either directly asserting or upholding Indigenous Title and rights in defending a liveable climate, clean water, wild salmon and the endangered southern resident Killer whales from the risks of tar sands and fossil fuel expansion, industrial open-net fish farms and other industrial threats to the cultures, communities and biodiversity of the Salish Sea.
As resources are available, the fund will help cover personal costs associated with being arrested such as paying fines, lost income, legal fees, child care and travel costs etc.
Donate to the Fund
To Donate by E-Transfer please click this button E-Transfer Form
We are using a registration form to ensure better security for all of us instead of publishing secret passwords publicly.
To Donate by Credit Card use this yellow Donate button

Wednesday October 15 2014
Songhees Wellness Centre
1100 Admirals Road
Doors open at 6:30pm, with a light meal available
Presentation begin at 7pm
You are invited to a presentation on Indigenous Food Systems with Songhees Chief Ron Sam, elder Joan Morris and ethnobotanist Dr. Nancy Turner. They will share with us stories and traditional knowledge of First Nations land management.
Dr. Turner is an internationally-distinguished scholar and scientist who has devoted her life to documenting the endangered knowledge of First Nations. As a pioneer in ethnobiology, her more than 25 years of research have focused on the diverse interactions of First Peoples in British Columbia with the ecosystems they depend on and the critical role of plant resources for foods, medicines and materials. Dr. Turner's research is a valuable compendium on aboriginal culture and plant lore in British Columbia.
A light meal will be available beginning at 6:30pm, prepared by Chef Tom Kral, the Nature's Chef. Suggested donation $10 to cover costs associated with this event. Any surplus funds will be donated to the Songhees to support food security initiatives.
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Reclaim PKOLS (formerly Mount Douglas)
Wednesday May 22nd 2013 @ 5pm
Meet at the base of Mt Doug (at Shelbourne and Cedar Hill Rd) for a march to the summit; a re-enactment of the signing of the Douglas Treaty; the telling of oral histories and traditional significance of the mountain; and the installation of a sign declaring this name reclamation.
Help spread the word!