Wednesday October 15 2014
Songhees Wellness Centre
1100 Admirals Road
Doors open at 6:30pm, with a light meal available
Presentation begin at 7pm
You are invited to a presentation on Indigenous Food Systems with Songhees Chief Ron Sam, elder Joan Morris and ethnobotanist Dr. Nancy Turner. They will share with us stories and traditional knowledge of First Nations land management.
Dr. Turner is an internationally-distinguished scholar and scientist who has devoted her life to documenting the endangered knowledge of First Nations. As a pioneer in ethnobiology, her more than 25 years of research have focused on the diverse interactions of First Peoples in British Columbia with the ecosystems they depend on and the critical role of plant resources for foods, medicines and materials. Dr. Turner's research is a valuable compendium on aboriginal culture and plant lore in British Columbia.
A light meal will be available beginning at 6:30pm, prepared by Chef Tom Kral, the Nature's Chef. Suggested donation $10 to cover costs associated with this event. Any surplus funds will be donated to the Songhees to support food security initiatives.
Space is limited.