SEA News: August 20 2019
SEA meetings will resume in September with a special Vision meeting to discuss the role of SEA in our community and to collect your input on how you would like SEA to move forward in 2019. Stay tuned for more information about this event.

Election 2019: Power of Participation in the Campaign and at the Ballot Box
Tuesday August 20
06:00 PM to 08:00 PM
231 Regina Ave.
Victoria Native Friendship Centre
The upcoming Federal Election for 2019 will provide residents of the lower island with an opportunity to decide who will be their next representative in Ottawa. Participation in elections means we have the power in deciding who will be elected to represent us and carry our voices to the Federal government level.
This evening discussion will highlight the importance of participation in the upcoming federal election of each member in the community. Here, we will have the opportunity to discuss barriers faced by marginalized groups during elections and current electoral climate. There will be an opportunity to engage with Indigenous leaders about the election and why they have decided to get involved in this year’s campaign, and an opportunity to discuss the role of an MP and rights and responsibilities of voters.
Please join us in the amphitheater at the Victoria Native Friendship Centre, as we commence into the evening with important and necessary discussion about the upcoming Federal Election of 2019.
For more details visit:

Nature X: All About Bats
Thursday, August 22, 2019
06:30 PM to 09:00 PM
470 Belleville Street, Victoria
Bateman Foundation Gallery of Nature
Nature X is thrilled to welcome Estraven Lupino-Smith, Bat Program Coordinator at Habitat Acquisition Trust, to learn about bat ecology and conservation. Estraven will highlight the work being done to support bat populations on Vancouver Island, as well as their own work as an artist-researcher using art to engage people in citizen science and other programming to support bats.
This free presentation will begin with a drinks reception at 6:30 p.m., generously hosted by Spinnakers Brewpub. The talk will begin at 7:15 p.m.
For more details visit:
BC Disability Caucus Planning Meeting
Friday, August 23, 2019
02:00 PM to 03:00 PM
UVic Sub B028
University of Victoria SUB building
Demanding our rights
Are people ready for direct action to demand our rights to things like proper income / benefits? a decent BC Disability Act created by consulting the disabled? A province wide call for ALL of our rights as outlined in the Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities. (CRPD)
Needed: people in all communities holding simultaneous protests at government buildings and MLA and / or MP offices. and at the BC legislature.
For more details visit:

Lower Cowichan River Cleanup
Sunday, August 25, 2019
10:00 AM to 02:00 PM
Meet at Cowichan Tribes “Little Big House” (end of River Road, behind Si’em Lelum Gymnasium, Duncan)
Cowichan Tribes “Little Big House”
Dive in, have fun, and help keep the Cowichan River Clean!
This soul satisfying annual event removes truck-loads of garbage from about 15 km of the iconic Cowichan River every year. It is timed to coincide with low water before the water rises and washes it all downstream as the salmon try to swim home. All welcome! No experience needed.
Registration is from 10-10:30am. Coffee and treats will be available.
Expect to be out for approximately 2-3 hours and dress appropriately. People are often colder than they expect. (Wetsuits and toques are high fashion at Cleanup!)
FREE LUNCH! It’s true. All volunteers will be fed thanks to our sponsors.
More info:
For more details visit:

Monday August 26 at 7pm
CinePlex SilverCity Cinemas Tillicum Mall Victoria
Hosted by Surfrider Foundation Vancouver Island
You are invited to a one night special screening of Peloton Against Plastic
Plastic is choking our planet, don't dwell on it, let's act. Embark on an odyssey as two Aussies and a bunch of eco guardians ride bicycles from Hanoi to Bangkok meeting proactive locals tackling plastic pollution.
Please reserve tickets by clicking the link below by August 15 so that this important and entertaining film can run!
Reserve Tickets to This Film

Film Screening: Artifishal
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
07:00 PM to 09:00 PM
Student Union Bldg, 3800 Finnerty Rd
Cinecenta Films
Join us on Thursday, August 27th, for a film screening of Patagonia’s ARTIFISHAL at Cinecenta theatre at the University of Victoria! Doors open at 6:20pm and the film will start at 7pm.
There will be a Q&A with Aaron Hill, our Executive Director, and Misty MacDuffee from Raincoast Conservation Foundation following the film.
“ARTIFISHAL is a film about people, rivers, and the fight for the future of wild fish and the environment that supports them. It explores wild salmon’s slide toward extinction, threats posed by fish hatcheries and fish farms, and our continued loss of faith in nature.”
As an organization, we advocate to remove open-net fish farms from our coastal waters. Patagonia does an amazing job shedding a light on the problems created by fish farms.
Admission prices are as follows:
UVSS Students: $5.75
Seniors (65 & older), Children (12 & under): $5.75
UVic Alumni, Faculty, Staff and guest (1 only) of above: $6.75
Cinemagic Members: $6.75
Non-Members: $7.75
Find a trailer for the film here:
For more details visit:

Organize to stop TMX!
Tuesday August 27
05:00 PM to 07:00 PM
546 Yates Street, Victoria
Trees - Island Grown
Groups organize to stop TMX!
For more details visit:

Occupy BC Timber Sales Office
BC Timber Sales Office Victoria BC
Hosted by Friends of Carmanah/Walbran
This event has been postponed.
If you are interested in participating in this event or can contribute in any of a variety of ways, please email:

Gorge Waterway Cleanup
Saturday, September 14, 2019
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
471 Cecelia Road, Victoria
Gorge Waterway
Volunteers will clean the shoreline along the Gorge Waterway and a volunteer dive team will retrieve debris from the ocean floor. Bring your own boots and gloves if you can or borrow ours. Afterwards we'll celebrate all of our hard work with a hot lunch and snacks.
If you are interested in participating in this great event as a volunteer, a participating group or a community sponsor, contact Travis Chater at 250-388-5251, ext 225 or email
For more details visit:

Global Climate Strike - Week of Action
September 20 - 27, 2019
Victoria BC
Multiple Locations
Young climate strikers are calling on everyone: parents, workers, and all concerned humans to join massive climate strikes and a week of climate justice actions September 20 – 27, 2019.
Multiple groups in Greater Victoria are busy planning actions. We expect there will be at least one action every day.
Please check the Facebook event as the actions planned for this week become available. Please contact us if your group is planning an event, to avoid scheduling conflicts.
For more information on the Global #ClimateStrike week of action see https://globalclimatestrike.net/
For more details visit:
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Social Environmental Alliance#310-599 Pandora AvenueVictoria, BC V8W 1N5 Canada
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